Wednesday 15 December 2023
Venue: KOENJI HIGH Tokyo
OPEN 18:30 / START 19:30
Organized:Vinyl Junkie Recordings
[Total Info]KOENJI HIGH 03-5378-0382
Tokyo Shoegazer 2023 China Tour.
「Tokyo Shoegazer + Acid Accident联合巡演」
11/7 深圳@HOULIVE深圳 (下沙店)
11/8 广州@SDlivehouse
11/9 南京 @1701MusicPark
11/10 上海@育音堂 (音乐公园店) Thank You SOLD OUT!!!
11/11 上海@育音堂 (音乐公园店) Thank You SOLD OUT!!!
11/12 北京 暂缓公布
Online Ticket:https://wap.showstart.com/pages/activity/list/list?type=1&tag=42384&ssfrom=user-94446
FRIDAY 17 November 2023
Tokyo Shoegazer Live in Hong Kong 2023 - Extra Night -
Venue: MOM Livehouse
Time: 19:30 Open/20:00 Start
Organiser: Exclamation Music
Co-Organiser: Vinyl Junkie Recordings
Venue Partner: MOM Livehouse
Ticketing Partner: TickCats / Infree Records / White Noise Records
Standard HK$480
※Free Standing
Online tickets available from 4th Octoober 2023 HKT 12:00 noon
Online Ticketing:https://tickcats.co/ticket/tokyoshoegazer-extranight/ (Available from 4th Oct 2023)
Physical tickets available from 7th Octoober 2023 HKT 12:00 noon
Ticket selling points:
.White Noise Records (199 Tai Nan Street, Sham Shui Po/Tel: 2591 0499)
.Infree Records (Flat B, 2/F, 34 - 36 Nullah Road, Tung Lok Mansion, Prince Edward / Tel: 6152 3082)
Enquiry:sales@exclamusic.com(Chinese, English, Japanese)
※To protect your own interests, please be reminded the above mentioned is the ONLY official sales point of the show. Please do not purchase tickets from any unofficial sources to avoid potential loss.
SATURDAY 18 November 2023
Tokyo Shoegazer Live in Hong Kong 2023
Venue: MOM Livehouse
Time: 19:00 Open/19:30 Start
Organiser: Exclamation Music
Co-Organiser: Vinyl Junkie Recordings
Venue Partner: MOM Livehouse
Ticketing Partner: TickCats / Infree Records / White Noise Records
Early Bird HK$400 (Limited Quantity)
Standard HK$480
※Free Standing
Thank You SOLD OUT!!
Ticket available from 27th September 2023 HKT 12:00 noon
Early Bird Period: 27th September 2023 - 8th October 2023 HKT 23:59 (while stocks last)
Online Ticketing:https://tickcats.co (Available from 22nd Sep 2023)
Ticket selling points:
White Noise Records (199 Tai Nan Street, Sham Shui Po/Tel: 2591 0499)
Infree Records (Flat B, 2/F, 34 - 36 Nullah Road, Tung Lok Mansion, Prince Edward / Tel: 6152 3082)
Enquiry:sales@exclamusic.com(Chinese, English, Japanese)
※To protect your own interests, please be reminded the above mentioned is the ONLY official sales point of the show. Please do not purchase tickets from any unofficial sources to avoid potential loss.